Monday, December 28, 2009

How to set your own domain name to your blogger

Most of the people create their blogs in e-blogger but they use common domain name which is provided by the e-blogger .This is quite ok, but it looses your identity .So here I am publishing how to set your domain to e-blogger

First of all you should have a domain name or you should ready to buy a domain name.if you still did not buy your domain name it will quite easy to set your domain to the your blogger.
you need a google account ,you can use your existing g-mail account. Then first login to blogger and create a blogger account using domain names which is provided by blogger.After that login to your account.Then you see the dashboard of the blogger
Then click setting link in the board.In the setting page go to publisher tab, it appears in second menu bar of the setting page.Then you will see every thing you wish .Good Luck you all ..!